New old shoes
Is this just a sign that I’m getting older?

Or that I have impeccable taste?
(I don’t know, I seem to have a similar problem letting go of old laptops.)
I’m not sure when I got my green shoes (sometime in college), and they certainly weren’t the only shoes I’ve bought since getting the blue ones. But somehow I always came back to them. I’d pretty much given up all hope of finding a replacement—until a number of friends started using Zappos. So one night I looked, and sure enough, I found Saucony Jazz Originals in several different colors. They didn’t have my old green/tan combo, but that’s ok. A little change is good.
They did come with two different color laces: white and navy blue. I started with white because I liked the contrast. Which is funny because to Stephanie, nothing is more stereotypically American than sneakers with bright white shoelaces.
White laces or not, those are nice kicks! I am a running shoe fanatic and for one of the pair of shoes I have (the orange ones in this picture) I bought 3 pairs ’cause I was afraid the next model would not be the same!