S’installer dans le Vieux Nice
Sunday was jetlag recovery day. Left the apartment late in the morning for a leisurely stroll through the Vieux Nice. Made our way again to the coast where there was a big Italian cultural exposition going on. Sort of a celebration of Italian food, wine, and cars along the promenade. Saw several “new” Fiat 500s which sort of look like a cross between a Smart car and MINI Cooper. In other words, awesome!

Stopped at an outdoor brasserie for lunch and had the French version of bruschetta, basically pizza made with a large round round slice of toasted bread. Pas mal.

I followed that up with my first classic French double ice cream cone. How did I miss that on my first trip? Actually I think those were scoops of gelato, banana, and nutella.

Took many pictures of the narrow streets of the Vieux Nice. Here’s three. I’m sure there are many more to come.

After a nap from which I did not want to wake, we took a walk around the nearby Nice harbor, gawking at the giant yachts of the rich and famous. Here’s a nice picture Stephanie took of me just beyond the harbor.

On Monday we had lunch with Stephanie’s sister Aurelie by her work, walked the entire Promenade (below) to Aurelie’s apartment, spent some time with Aurelie’s daughter, and managed to drive away with Stephanie’s mom’s car who was able to borrow a friend’s car while we’re here. This was a completely unexpected gift, and means over the next few days we should be able to move in and around town without much complication. Back in the Vieux Nice we went to a restaurant next door called “Le Barbecue” for dinner and had an excellent super-thin crust pizza and some grilled meats.

hmmmm. so lovely, I miss it. Thanks for sharing this trip with all of us.
We didn’t have ice cream last time because we were wearing coats and scarves!!!
It’s so much better in flip flops and shorts isn’t it?
Oh right, it was March.
*waves to stephanie and justin* – have an awesome time!
justin *waves back* ha thanks!