Mt. Tam’s Panoramic Coastal Trail
On Sunday Stephanie and I escaped the fog of the city and headed for the golden hills of Mt. Tamalpais State Park. We were joined by Leona (recent Bay Area retransplant) and her lovely friends Rachel and David for a hike along the Coastal Trail which you can see is cut into the occasionally steep hillside along the coast.
Coastal trail panorama
Note: I fired up hugin the other day to see if I could transform some otherwise pedestrian shots of Monaco into a more compelling panorama. It worked flawlessly (after some less than satisfactory attempts several months and possibly a version ago), so you may be seeing a few more uncropped panoramas around these parts.
how do you create a panoramic?
with hugin…
I had to do a double take. Most of the area in which I live is Government protected land and looks just like that. I see views like that as I drive along the freeway near my home. You need to see El Dorado Hills and the American River. Photo ops galore!