Unboxing the Ricoh GR Digital II
Someone at work mentioned the phenomenon of unboxing the other day—the fetish of meticulously recording the process of opening brand new electronics for the vicarious enjoyment of others.
At first I was horrified. I mean, really, could anything more superficial signify the gross consumeristic malaise afflicting this country? But the more I thought about it, the more I came to appreciate it as a playful act of reverence, a way for adults to relive the simple joy of unwrapping presents and to share that joy with others. So I’ve decided to play along. But how did I get here?
A funny thing happened while I was waiting for my Canon A570 IS to arrive. I stopped wanting it. In fact I realized what I wanted was quite different (and quite a bit more expensive): a camera with a full frame, 35mm sensor. But I wasn’t ready to drop $3000 for the Canon 5D and a lens or two just yet. So I decided to return the A570 and keep waiting…
Then a few days later Tim Bray mentioned that Ricoh was releasing an updated version of their completely unique GR Digital. This was a camera I really wanted. A wide fixed focal length point and shoot with SLR features in a small body. Previously I’d been put off by its age, price tag, and supposedly lackluster image quality. But comparing an updated GR Digital to the price and size of a Canon 5D was a no brainer. I jumped on the GR Digital II, and pre-ordered one from Adorama straightaway. It finally arrived today!

i am an unboxer! and i am a ricoh gr fan…and here i have landed, on your blog, unboxing my all-time fave camera…i am going to adorama and buying myself a post-xmas gift tomorrow!
do it!