Between buildings at night

Followup to Between buildings. 15 second exposure.

between buildings at night


There is something about this that I really like. I would definitely hang a print of this in my home. A big one.

Tell me what size you want. There’s a place I’d like to try that does 100 year archival prints up to 12×18″ ($15 + shipping).

However, the aspect ratio of that size is 1.5:1 and the original photo is 1.3:1, which means either A) the left and right sides would get cropped, removing the window on the right (which I don’t quite like), or B) I could stretch the image vertically to fit the 1.5:1 aspect ratio—and conveniently this is probably the only photo where I could do that and you wouldn’t notice the difference.

Umm, define poster size? 20″x30″?

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