Towards Big Sur via Pebble Beach

Saturday we woke in Watsonville and stopped at a Coco’s Bakery Restaurant for brunch. Had a rocking salad with bacon, glazed walnuts, bleu cheese, and peaches.

Coco's Bakery Restaurant Taste of Summer salad
Salad with fruit and bacon

Heading towards Monterey, we passed rows and rows of strawberries, some of which were being picked as we drove by. So we stopped by a fruit stand and purchased some strawberries and blackberries.

Strawberries being picked in Watsonville, CA
Rows and rows of strawberry plants

Since we’d already kinda been to Monterey (and were trying to avoid throngs of tourists) we decided to skip it and take 17 Mile Drive around Pebble Beach instead. Here’s what Wikipedia says about the place:

Pebble Beach is a small private coastal unincorporated community in Monterey County, California. Technically, Pebble Beach is not a city at all, but a corporation, as it is owned by the Pebble Beach Company, although managed as a small town.

It ended up being pretty disappointing. First of all it costs $8.75 just to take the drive. Second of all, the overlooks and sights are all essentially walled off parking stops along the road. At one point there was literally a chainlink fence between us and the ocean view. Oh yeah. And there’s golf courses. Lots of ’em.

Here’s the Ghost Tree, a dead Monterey Cypress. Pretty representative of our feelings toward Pebble Beach.

The Pebble Beach Ghost Tree, a dead monterey cypress
The Ghost Tree

Goodbye Pebble Beach. Hello Big Sur.

Stephanie's toes on the dashboard, CA-1 in the background
Stephanie’s toes

Next: Driving down the Big Sur coast



i wish you’d asked me about 17 mile drive–biggest rip off ever. what was the point of that, i’m asking?

Something to “entertain” the family while the golfers are golfing?


Cool!!! I’ve been to the ghost tree!!! Way back in August of 1994. I was only 27 months old back then so I have no clue that it was a ghost tree until now.


Correction: I was 28 months old…I think.


Or was I 1 3/4? I don’t remember, that was a long time ago!!!!

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