Just a normal Sunday afternoon on Pine Street

And there’s a Cryogenic truck delivering liquid nitrogen to St. Francis Memorial Hospital next door.

CryOgenic transporation truck making a deliver on Pine Street

Oh yeah, it’s also a freaking beautiful day. I’ve got to get outside!



So I just went to the St. Francis Memorial Hospital website and looked up volunteering, it says that you need to “be at least 14 years old AND able to commit to a minimum of 50 hours of service.” Hey that fits you easily. And you know what you get for that. You get “FREE PARKING”. Hey check it out! This might be the solution to your problem. What’dya think?

So I read over the page you must have found thinking you are a genius—though having some ethical reservations about volunteering solely for the benefit of free parking—when it occured to me that the free parking is probably only for the time period when one is actually volunteering, not like 24/7.


build a borg knockoff of yourself, to make it appear you are volunteering “24/7”. (hey. no need to kiss my feet. i know i’m a genius)

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