In the Trader Joe’s deadzone

It turns out that our new apartment (denoted by the green arrow in the map above) is roughly equidistant from all three Trader Joe’s in the city. Each pink circle represents an area one mile from a Trader Joe’s. Of course the shortest driving distance is more like 1.8 miles.
Should they desire to expand into the deadzone, might I recommend Van Ness and Bush? It’s only three blocks from our apartment. One reason they may not, and a reason I don’t protest too much: there’s a Whole Foods on California between Franklin and Van Ness, about 5 blocks away.
And there’s a poorly reviewed Cala Foods Market (owned by Kroger) right around the corner.
Update, December 12, 2011: I just discovered on SocketSite that the Cala Market may soon be transformed to a Trader Joe’s and a CVS!!! Sadly we no longer live there.
that really is an awful fate you’re suffering there, J. Of course, I might feel worse for you if I knew anything about what it was like to have a TJ’s in the same state.
I just learned that Earth Fare in Chapel Hill (old Southern Season bldg.) will be closing and replaced with a Trader Joe’s, although the few I’ve been to were not that impressive! but they were not in S.F.! We’ll see!?