A look inside the apartment, finally!

Voici notre porte d’entree depius l’exterieur (couloir). Pas mal, non?
Update: the hallway looks much better now with new hallway carpet!

Et voila l’entree, avec a droite la salle de bain, et une baignoire a l’ancienne.

Depuis la chambre, une vue des deux fenêtres victoriennes.

Et la, la fenêtre de la chambre dans toute sa splendeur.

Le vue de notre rue, Pine St, typique San Francisco.

Et on se retourne, regardant dans la chambre, l’entree et le salon.

Detail du parquais.

Dans la cuisine, il y a une porte dans la porte qui mene a un petit cajibis.

Et pour le plaisir, voici un plan de l’appart fait maison.
This is the 4th post in a series about finding an apartment in SF.
Part 1: How to find an apartment in San Francisco
Part 2: The great San Francisco apartment hunt begins!
Part 3: The great San Francisco apartment hunt ends!
Part 4: A look inside the apartment, finally!
Update: French translations by Stephanie for family and friends.
Update: After 4 wonderful years in this apartment, we slid the keys under the door on August 15, 2010 and set off on our big adventure.
Quite nice.
holy crap that’s BEAUTIFUL. I love the door-in-the-door and the hardwood detailing. drool. :-)
Oh God, nice.
Love the pic of the view from the window.
does the clawfoot get wifi reception? this is very important for work-from-home.
Nice layout. Freakin’ huge rooms considering the vast majority of places in the city (think classic labyrinth sans minotaur). Looks awesome, man. Great location, too.
I literally got chills looking at these photos. What a dream apartment!
JS: the clawfoot will get wireless reception, by god! Though I’m more of an in-bed (as opposed to an in-bath) laptopper myself.
Matt: the photos add a certain ginormity to the space, in reality it’s only about 600sq ft. But the room layout—especially the always-open double pocket doors between the bedroom and living room really open things up.
Gonna have to make sure I always make the bed I guess.
Well done, the apartment looks great!
Need to see kitchen, you love to cook, and no kitchen pict. Is there something wrong with it since everything else is so nice?
The kitchen is small and somewhat darker than the other rooms, so it was hard to find a good angle that wasn’t just half the stove and a refridgerator or vice versa—both of which you’ve seen before. I admit the linoleum is pretty gaudy, which detracts from the overall aesthetic appeal.
Bien reçu les photos de ton nouveau home si tu pouvais nous envoyer les commentaires en francais, notre anglais est plutot restreint. Christophe en fera une copie pour mamie. Bisous.
Justin, thank you very much for the pictures and I’m very happy for both of you. The apartment looks very nice and has a character as you both have. It’s a compliment!
You deserve to have something special and I wish you a very happy time in SF.
Here eveything is fine and I send you many kisses and all my love.
I love you both. Mom
Justin, what did you use to draw the floorplan? And congrats. This apartment reminds me of one I rented in an old Cleveland neighborhood.
Anton, thanks. I used a trial version of SmartDraw for the floorplan.
Chris, I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures. I’ll try to get some more up once we’re officially moved in next weekend and everything is set up.
From what I hear (and see) via Stephanie, it sounds (and looks) like you’re doing splendidly. Definitely hope to visit you some time in the future.
Yay! What a beautiful apartment.
Justin, are you still in this apt? just curious..
ahh, old wooden windows. half your rent goes to keeping that doublehung near the tub workable/openable :-)
That’s a nice place you found. Glad it all worked out. Happy living to you both.
We just moved to sf, and signed a lease yesterday for an apartment comparable to the one you blogged about. Thank you for your writing which gave us advice and heart through our long search. Your place looks beautiful!
Hy, I’m glad you found my posts helpful. Congrats on your new place and good luck moving in and adjusting to San Francisco.
Justin – I am seeking permission to use your photo of the unique pantry door on my website http://www.EverythingPantry.com with a return link to your blog if you so choose and my bandwith used. Thanks in advance! Renee
Feel free, as my blog is licensed under a Creative Commons By-Attribution license. You can read my Attribution Policy for more details.
Justin- thanks so much for all the info in your blog. I’m moving to SF from the East Coast in about 6 weeks and am very nervous about the apartment hunt.
Any thoughts on a bigger building vs a smaller building/ house?
Sarah, if you have the flexibility, make sure to give yourself the time to feel out a few neighborhoods, go to a few open houses even for places you’re not interested in, just so you can get the hang of them without feeling pressured to make a decision to apply on the spot. I would say it might take about 3-4 weeks, give or take, depending on how free you on the weekdays.
If you haven’t seen it already, check out my post, How to find an apartment in San Francisco, it pretty well sums up the open house experience in San Francisco (for me at least).
As far as building styles, even though a larger complex can be seductive in how convenient it is to get an apartment (more units = more turnover), I am unabashedly a proponent of renting from a small, older building (3-4 stories, edwardian, bay windows, 12-16 units) for its charm, security, street access, etc. We lucked out with great landlords, but overall the experience has been great.
Thanks, Justin. Good tips. My biggest problem (and, of course, my biggest joy!) is going to be finding a place that will take my dog. I’ve only ever lived in older homes, so that would feel most like home to me.
My firm is going to put me up for a few weeks, so I’m going to be pretty limited on time. Wish me luck!
Wow!!! This apartment is beautiful!!! I’m currently looking for a new place to live… I’m still not having any luck. May I know how much this apartment cost in San Francisco??
great blog Justin. I’m also moving from the East Coast with my brother and possibly another roommate. Any suggestions for a recent college grad looking to experience the city and stay somewhat close to Van Ness (where my work shuttle runs)? also, how are you enjoying the place thus far?
Tyler, I’ve got just the post for you: How to find an apartment in San Francisco. I added some links to the bottom of the post to make that relationship clearer.