etech day four

larry lessig riled up the crowd with a powerpoint duet (where the powerpoint presentation automatically responded to/emphasized whatever he was saying). it was pretty effective, but almost too theatrical to take seriously. i kept wondering whether the presentation might keep going ahead all milli vanilla-style if he got tripped up. maybe he had some well practiced graduate assistant keeping things in sync. oh, and he showed some funny popcultural mashups. note to self: any successful powerpoint presentation must include video.

chris anderson talked about the long tail which everyone will try to apply to every phenomenon from now on. if “long tail” isn’t a term on the yahoo buzz game, it should be. if every conceivable domain name with “long tail” in it hasn’t been snatched up i would be surprised. if any business plan doesn’t mention how it will be milking the long tail (using those words), it should be aborted asap.

evan williams of blogger fame demoed a dev version of odeo. imagine a recording studio (albeit greatly simplified) in your web browser. record audio through the mic. mix it with other audio clips (recorded or uploaded). publish it. very cool.

and then it was done.

later that night paul, patrick, and i trekked out to the yardhouse to celebrate a successful etech and a happy st. patrick’s day. good conversation and excellent beer was consumed, some it in glasses half a yard tall. are there pictures? hell yeah.

1 Comment

i’m happy my recommendation was helpful :)

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