this longish post is about digital cameras
i’ve been flustrated that my 2mp digital camera really only produces images suitable for printing 5x7s. which is bigger than your standard 4×6, but postcardesque on the wall. perhaps i need a smaller wall?
so i went to a pretty rocking camera store in carrboro to play with the canon digital rebel this afternoon.

the digital rebel is an SLR type camera, which means that when you’re looking through the viewfinder, you’re actually looking through the lens. it also means you can attach lots of fancy lenses (wide-angle, macro) to the camera body. though i wouldn’t say it’s that much heavier than my current digital camera, it is larger, especially with the lens. but damn, did it have a satisfying shutter release sound.
then there is reality. i really haven’t been taking that many pictures lately. maybe a smaller, more discrete camera, say canon’s s400, which weighs half as much as my current camera, and is 1/4 the size, something i could slip in my pocket or backpack, would renew my interest. and be more cost-effective at that.

oh yeah, i need to get me one of these philips 1.3 megapixel keyring cameras. too cool!

I’ve played with an EOS before at it was a sweet machine… It is however quite expensive and quite ungainly…. The small ones should be able to fulfill your needs…
holy crap! i forgot about tax returns. guilt free consumerism! ooo must restrain the urge.
go for the s400. i have the older s110 and i love it. the picture quality could be better (mine is 2mp) but the size is perfect. check out the pentax optio s4 as well. and if you haven’t seen it, check out dpreview for camera reviews.