I have the best friends, I get emails like this

I am realizing this is harder than it should be for people like us. When you really enjoy the “meat” of being human in a way that other people scratch their heads at, you can cause a lot of pain when you try to expect it from others or reject them when they don’t come along for the ride. Maybe if you could spot like-minded people from afar….(they talk about poetry, they like to take walks, they write, they keep journals, they cry, they save fallen leaves, they take pictures of the sky, they are dreamers, they relish sensation). These people are not everyone. Maybe they don’t program for a living (maybe they do). Maybe they are all under 18 (are we old? no, we can’t be.) Is everyone so jaded by relationshipping all their lives and the categories, roles, scripts, schemas that come along? Do they reject the drama and go straight to convenience?

Must everything be so casual?

What the hell is wrong with love and passion?

Do what feels good to you. If it causes pain, it is because you are different. Don’t be ashamed.

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