Adding “workcation” to my lexicon

Just after the New Year I traveled with Sincerely to Maui on a workcation (or “workation”?)—sort of a working holiday/retreat. It was surreal to spend what was then only my third week of the new job, not to mention my first time, in Hawaii. By the end, the trip proved to be an invaluable bonding experience, and jumpstarted my acclimation to the team.

The incredible view from our rental house in Maui, Hawaii
The incredible view from our rental house

A dramatic Maui sunset
A dramatic Maui sunset

Given the three hour time zone difference between California and Hawaii, I found myself waking up unnaturally early, so I took those opportunities to go out for a walk while the sun rose. Here are a few photos from those outings.

View towards Lanai at dawn
View towards Lanai at dawn
Pink dawn illuminating Lanai
Pink dawn illuminating Lanai
Finally, the top of Lanai is visible
Finally, the top of Lanai is visible

One afternoon, we took a break from the working part of the workcation for a hike up into the West Maui Mountains. Our neighborhood had been sugar cane plantations only 15 years before, so we hiked up an old stone culvert that had once been used to collect water for irrigating the crops.

Irrigation culvert in the West Maui Mountains
Up in the hills, this is how the trail looked
Dense vegetation in the West Maui Mountains
Machetes would have been handy at some points
Wild or Feral coffee growing in the West Maui Mountains
Along the way, I spied some wild/feral coffee growing
Small waterfall in the West Maui Mountains
This is as far as we got
Justin among the vegetation in the West Maui Mountains
I posed for a quick portrait
Hiking down from the West Maui Mountains
And then we headed back down

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