Hawk at work

This morning, a hawk chose the ledge outside the window in front of my desk (six stories above Market Street) to hang out for about an hour and a half.

Hawk in San Francisco looking at me
I pulled back the blinds so I could get a better look

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We marched for our lives

Claudine, Danny, and Justin at the March for our Lives in San Francisco, CA
At the march with Claudine and Danny

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What the end of the world looks like

Sand blowing on to Great Highway in San Francisco, CA
When Great Highway is closed, it’s because of the sand

Along Bolinas Ridge

Sometimes I have a story to tell, and othertimes I just want to post a nice photo.

Bolinas Ridge Trail, somewhere between McCurdy and Randall
Somewhere between McCurdy and Randall

Snowy Plover Triptych

Triptych of snowy plovers on Ocean Beach, San Francisco, CA
Snowy plovers on Ocean Beach (previously)