My Dad’s a big Dooce fan:

As I stopped at the signing table I said “In your special way you keep my son and his girlfriend employed at Federated Media.” When she heard Federated Media she said “They’re my people”. Note: Federated Media provides the advertising that is on her site. We told her that he’s a techie and she’s the remnants manager. I’ve now got a new book to read.


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I’m in the middle of Dooce’s book right now. I also sent a copy to my mom so we could read it together. Small world, eh?

At Alice’s wedding in Vegas, we were chatting with Will and Jill about where we work/what FM does (ads on blogs) and she immediately said “like Dooce?!” and we said “Yeah.” Its like her fav blog and she was bummed Heather was doing a signing while she was out of town that weekend.