Just stumbled upon the blog of the founder of Geek Corps, Ethan Zuckerman: …My heart’s in Accra
I had the application for Geek Corps filled out shortly before I got hired by O’Reilly. Strangely enough I got stuck on the last question of the application, the Statement of Interest. It starts:
Geekcorps is looking for a cadre of volunteers who are committed to bridging the digital divide one business at a time. We are asking you to be flexible, mature and open to experiences that challenge your personal and professional existence.
It seemed like the application was preemptively trying to reassure me of my doubts. I had no doubts.
A statement of interest is your chance to tell us in your own words why in the world you want to do this.
I just had no good reason. Whatever reason I thought I had had little to do with Geek Corps itself. I didn’t know what I wanted to do but I knew I wanted change.
Wow, sounds interesting, how about a father and son assignment.
Doesn’t it though? Of course I’d love to, or something like it.
A couple of months ago I went on a date with the guy who’s currently running Geek Corps. :)
In fact, I almost lived with him. He had a great place–great location–everything. Sadly, he wrote me an email (quite well written and articulate, actually) that I was more dating material than roommate material. Too many sparks. Sigh. We went out for drinks and mutually decided that maybe we were more roommate material after all. He wanted someone a bit more high maintenance and I wanted someone who would never utter the words, “mani-pedi.”
*Justin Googles mani-pedi*
-25 metrosexual points for Justin
“that guy” is from my hometown (Vero Beach). neat. btw, i don’t trust any one from there. you gotta keep your eye on him….
sounds like someone needs their own blog…