new place
there is nothing like moving to a new place that sort of cuts right through to my gut. i’m nervous, anxious, scared. and for goshsakes i’m not even moving to a new city or anything. i’m just going down the road. a new year, a new apartment. it’s the sounds that bother me. new sounds. the fear of new sounds that i will to grow accustomed to or have to learn to bear.
one superficial thing that bothers me immediately are dirty old yellowing wallplates. that’s easy to fix. i have hardwood floors and i don’t know how to clean hardwood floors. the kitchen is nice, but kind of shabby. one day i will live in a place where there isn’t that one drawer with a corner busted off. but no one is living above me, so that is glorious.
i’m scared. that’s all there is to it. i’m scared of something new and it’s so easy to forget the surrounding niceness. like living around more people. being able to walk to weaver street. feeling part of a community.