A Belated Thanksgiving in Death Valley
I was sick the week of Thanksgiving, so we didn’t leave for Death Valley until Friday. Stephanie was instrumental in making sure we got out at all. Tradition! Though I helped with some of the food planning (yogurt, granola, dried fruits, and honey for breakfast; pre-cooked rice and veggies with curry simmer sauce for dinner), she packed our clothing and camping gear and did all of the driving that day.

We got to Furnace Creek on Saturday, and just like our first trip to Death Valley ten years ago, we found a spot in the first come, first served Texas Springs campground. It wasn’t a great spot, but the vast majority of people were departing on Sunday, so the next morning we relocated to a nicer site.

We spent the next four days just exploring leisurely. We took West Side Road to a 4×4 trail into Johnson Canyon. We hiked around the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes. We swam in the spring-fed Furnace Creek pool. We introduced La Jeep to Titus Canyon Road. With rain forecast for Thursday morning, we decided to make our way out of the park on Wednesday, via Emigrant Canyon Road and Trona Pinnacles.

Hi- Seasons Greetings from New Zealand.
Justin- are you still using your gmail email address?
Cheers L&P