Rim Fire in context

I stumbled upon this interesting map from the Modesto Bee which Jeff Jardine linked to from his column, What’s new is old again as Tuolumne blaze revisits old scars. It’s a map I’d not seen published elsewhere, so I thought I’d share it here.

Rim Fire perimeter as of August 24, 2013, overlaid on the perimeters of several historical fires in the region
Rim Fire perimeter (as of Aug 24), overlaid on several historical fires

Update: To gain a better appreciation of the scale of the fire, I overlaid the perimeter as of August 28 on top of San Francisco.

Rim Fire perimeter as of August 28, 2013, overlaid on San Francisco
Rim Fire perimeter (as of Aug 28), overlaid on San Francisco

For more, check out ESRI’s neat interactive map of the fire.

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