Like sister, like brother

Previously seen on All the things she did for luck:

Katie with her hand in La Bocca della Verità (The Mouth of Truth) in Rome, Italy (copyright Kathryn Watt)
“The Mouth of Truth [La Bocca della Verità]. You are supposed to put your hand in the mouth. If you are a liar you will lose your hand. I still have my hand.” —Katie

Justin putting his hand in the Bocca della Verità at the Musée Mécanique
I risked my hand in La Bocca della Verità (at the Musée Mécanique in San Francisco). I still have my hand. Phew.

Ok Matthew, your turn…



haha I know mom and dad showed me. The question is…Do you still have your hand? It would be great if Matthew had a picture too.

Katie, ha! I updated the caption to answer the question.

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