Chris and Gunes
I’m not sure when I first stumbled upon Christopher Ames’ photoblog, this is my eye, but the fact that he takes pictures in and around Antibes and captions them in English definitely caught my eye. After visiting Le Marché Provençal in Antibes last week I left a comment on his blog that I was “in his hood”, and shortly thereafter got an email in my inbox with the subject “Beer!”. How could I resist?
So on Monday night, not more than an hour after getting back from the Îles de Lérins, Stephanie and I met up with him and his wife Gunes at a bar called La Terrasse in Antibes. As it happens, güneş, pronounced goo-NESH, is the Turkish word for soleil, Stephanie’s last name. Coincidence? I think not.
Once it was confirmed that there were no psycho-killers among us, they took us to an Italian restaurant a few blocks away that specialized in a unique preparation of focaccia. Not surprisingly the topic of home cheesemaking came up, which we described with unusual passion. Chris summed the whole thing up thusly: