Introducing White Noise Lounge
After three weeks in not-so-stealth-mode, it’s time to take the wraps off a new joint venture between me and Stephanie, which we’re calling White Noise Lounge.

It all started about a month ago when we were joking with each other about the idea of an internet radio station that broadcast nothing but white noise—24 hours a day. At some point this joke crossed over into the realm of possibility, and we started working on it like a real project, albeit in the form of an audio blog.
The format is pretty simple. Every post is built around a short audio track that we’ve recorded from our environment. The sound could be anything, we’ve got a long list of ideas, but usually something continuous, rhythmic, and ambient. Every post contains a black and white photo of the sound’s source, in keeping with the site’s monochromatic color scheme (a nod to the “snow” of video static). As this is a blog at heart, we’ll also write something about the place or the sound.
Our goal is to post something new at least once a week, so please feel free to add the feed to your feedreader or audio podcast fetcher. We’ve submitted the site to iTunes, but haven’t heard back yet.
Update: We are no longer updating White Noise Lounge. All the old posts have been imported into Justinsomnia.
this is the coolest thing I’ve seen on the internet in a long time…totally mesmerized by all the sounds. thanks for making it real!
Roberta thanks for the compliment. You’re welcome. Do check back often: we’re going to try to post a new photo and sound at least once a week.
I use it all the time at night. There should be a radio station on the internet that transmits nothing but.
Any word on an ACTUAL internet radio station for white noise? My office needs this BADLY.
HOLY AWESOMENESS!!!! It’s 5 in the morning and I can’t sleep worth s***!!! After my kitten laid next to me and purred up a storm, I almost fell asleep. -Then, she decided to get up and leave me!!
I started thinking I totally need one of those sleep machine thing-a-ma-bobs with white noise and stuff, when I started to wonder if Itunes had such a station.
After a quick google search, I fell upon this page, and it just blew my mind! One, that you exist. Two, that I can subscribe thru itunes. And THREE, that your name is JUSTINSOMNIA!!! …get it? cuz i got insomnia. but after reading a few comments, i see that the dudes name running this is justin. cool play on words. anyhoo, now i’m so fascinated and charged that I’m really hoping this stuff helps me sleep.
I’ll be back…