Like camping on the moon

The weather in Death Valley was perfect on Friday night (low 60s), so we left the rainfly off the tent for the first time. The dry desert air breezed right through the mesh panels. At night we could see the stars through the tent and in the morning the sunlight streamed in.

Tent and chairs
Skillfully framed to exclude the surrounding campsites
Justin outside the tent eating breakfast
Me outside the tent eating breakfast
Stephanie waking up inside the tent
Stephanie slowly rousing inside the tent
Tent and chairs at the Texas Spring campground in Death Valley National Park
Nice shot at the end of the day as the sun sets
Justin fanning the fire in the firepit
Fanning the fire
Three minute exposure of the night sky over Death Valley
Three minute exposure of the night sky
Closeup of Orion's belt as seen over Death Valley
A 100% crop showing Orion’s belt (I think)

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