Just curious if anyone out there using Ubuntu (or Gnome) has experienced this mondo annoying bug: when typing out a long line of text into gnome-terminal, instead of it wrapping down to the next line, it either overwrites the beginning of the current line, or overwrites the line above the current line.


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Josh Myer

Resize the terminal and size it back again, and it’ll be fixed.

If you resize the terminal while not in a bash shell, bash doesn’t know that the line wrap has changed, so it wraps incorrectly.

I believe OS X’s Terminal.app does the same thing, but I may be wrong there. To recreate, just less /etc/passwd, resize the terminal, exit less, and type in a really long command.

Ah, the joys of retrofitting fixed-size physical terminals into a world of virtual terminals…

Ha, yeah, I kind of stumbled upon that myself (as I added to the Ubuntu Forums thread), but that seemed like a lucky side-effect.