Monthchunks in WordPress 標準ガイドブック (Standard Guidebook)
Naoko McCracken, a web developer up in Michigan recently wrote a book on WordPress in Japanese entitled WordPress 標準ガイドブック (Standard Guidebook). She contacted me back in September to say that she’d included my popular (and very first) WordPress plugin, Monthchunks, in the book and its accompanying CD.
Two months later, she sent out another email to let folks know that she’d gotten a few advance copies. Since she didn’t have enough for everyone whose code she referenced, we had a challenge: guess how many screenshots she used in the book. Those who came the closest would get a book. I guessed 270— said there were 343 pages, so I figured slightly more than 75% had screenshots. The correct answer: 295.
A few days ago I got a package in the mail.

It’s really cool, the cover’s very fancy (shiny) and the book is entirely Japanese except for occasional English words used in paths/URLs and proper nouns which I guess are not easily translatable.
Here’s a peek inside (of the part describing monthchunks):

Thanks Naoko, it looks great!