Is that Internet Explorer I see running on Ubuntu?

Indeed, indeed it is.

Internet Explorer 6 on Ubuntu's Dapper Drake

Am I so audacious as to write this post in IE6 on Ubuntu? Indeed I am. Why would anyone want to even contemplate doing this? To test webpages in the browser still used by 65-85% of websurfers.

IEs4Linux iconThank you IEs 4 Linux (and Wine) for making this possible. I tried all the other “installing internet explorer with wine” howtos and tutorials (WineTools, Sidenet, manual installation, direct download) to no avail. Then I downloaded IEs 4 Linux, ran ./ies4linux, and got a working copy of IE with an icon on my desktop. Big freaking kudos to Sérgio Lopes.


yo, justin. put some recent pics up on my blog, which i haven’t touched in like a year! check it out.

Oh awesome! That’s fucking neat.

Sho nuff. My Mac-faithful co-workers used to laugh at my Ubuntu workstation. Not any longer!

[…] I too tried a few other methods like this person and then I took the advice and went with IEs 4 Linux. […]

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