Hula hooping at Marcia’s big shindig
Last night we celebrated Marcia and friends birthdays this year in a big rollerskatin’, pizza/guacamole/mojito/cupcake consumin’, hula hoopin’ bash. I’m sure photos will begin poppin’ up all over the internets, so in order to get the ball rollin’ I give you:
Stephanie, Justin, and Marcia showin’ off their mad hula hoopin’ skillz.

Hell yeah there’s more on flickr (tag photos with “marcia birthday” so they all show up together).
Update: I added a photo of Marcia and uploaded my last few hoopin’ shots to flickr.
Update: Marcia’s party photos are up!
Update: Leona and Marcia’s friend Christian put some photos on her blog and on flickr.
Update: Leona’s photos are up, starting with an interesting picture of, umm, Stephanie’s torso.
You truly have the maddest hula hoopin skills!
Thanks Sauj, whoever you are!
I want to see the rest of your photos, hoop dawg!
Look at these two adorable people delighte by hula hoops! Mad skillz!
Marcia, Marcia, deep in the depths of my digital camera, I discovered some more hula hooping photos, one of you which I’ve included here, and several others which I’ve put up on flickr.