cute britishism on Availability: usually dispatched within 24 hours. [emphasis added]

btw, other than on somafm, where i have heard about the go team before? tim? jackie?


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well, I know who they are, but I didn’t tell you about it.

hmm… well, i ordered a copy of their cd from, just to see if i could, and to save $10 and get it now rather than when the import is released in the states.

It might have been me, I put it in my 2004 favorites list and blabbed about it a couple of times in relation to WXYC’s Best of ’04 Dance. It also might have been Todd or Carlie, they have been big Go! Team fans for much longer than I have.
Due to problems with clearing all of the samples, the album will probably never be released in the USA in its original “as the artist intended” form, so you’re wise to pick up the great import version no matter what the cost. If doesn’t ship to the US (never tried that either!), you can get it from the very nice folks at Aquarius Records. They do mailorder or you can find them in the Mission the next time you make into SF.