new project
i’m working on a database to track trainings for a project in kenya. somehow the kenyan(s) who designed it initially created one massively big flatfile (picture a very large excel spreadsheet with lots of gaps and duplicates) to hold all the data.
so i just really started pouring some of my energy into this, about 10% of which has so far gone into creating the design, and about 90% of which has been spent taking the data from this massive flatfile and cutting out the dups (one entity at a time).
my supreme goal however is to see how fast I can prototype this system from start to finish. i’m talking design, data, user-interfaces, and reporting. by the end of thursday? friday maybe? if you consider data massaging is almost done (probably another hour or two) and reporting is fairly straightforward afterthought, the big question is how fast can i scale up some fully-functional, professional user-interfaces?