Atypical Point Reyes

A few weekends ago, I gave myself a four-hour window to hike a 13-mile loop in Point Reyes (before racing home to return my Zipcar). Turns out four hours was a little tight. I ate my lunch in motion and jogged a few downhill sections, but I also managed to take a few photos that show a different side of this national seashore.

Forest scene from Point Reyes

It occurred to me only afterwards that I’d hiked the distance of half a marathon. I wonder if I could hike 26 miles in 8 hours, or even 30+ miles in 10–12? On the PCT with my Dad, loaded down with a backpack full of gear and food, I managed 23 miles in 11 hours—two days in a row. Surely I could go further carrying just a daypack, water, and lunch. I rationed the one and a quarter liters I brought with me to Point Reyes. I should have brought two.

Forest scene from Point Reyes

I’m on the lookout for more day hikes like this, preferably loops, at least 10 miles long, and within two hours of San Francisco. Elevation change doesn’t bother me; I prefer some. And I’m keeping my eyes open for a good 20–25-mile loop to attempt in the near future.

Coast Trail at Point Reyes

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