In looking for a final installation, I turned to Apache, which throughout my installations has played various roles, often anchoring other installations like PHP, MySQL, and mod_ssl. I visited the Apache related projects page to see if there were any similar programs that I could pursue. Comanche stuck out, so I decided to give it a whirl. As always, I was expecting a pretty smooth installation, but various unforeseen issues cropped up along the way. In the end I succeeded in getting Comanche to work both with a vanilla installation of Apache 1.3.14, as well as with Apache plus mod_ssl.
Note: I realized later that I installed the most recent beta version, 3.0b3. For those looking for Samba support, I am told one should go with version 2, until 3 is done.
# lynx
# tar zxf apache_1.3.14.tar.gz
# cd apache_1.3.14
# ./configure --enable-module=so --prefix=/usr/local/apache_1.3.14
# make
# make install
# /usr/local/apache_1.3.14/bin/apachectl start
For more comprehensive instructions, see my previous Apache installations:
Project 2: Apache_1.3.12
& PHP-4.0.2
Project 6: Apache_1.3.14
& mod_ssl-2.7.1-1.3.14
Project 8: Web
Database Tutorial
Download Linux glibc2 Intel binary
Since it detars/gunzips in it's final directory, I decided to move it to /usr/local with the Apache installations and detar it there:
# tar zxf comanche3.0b3-x86-linux-glibc2.tar.gz
From this point on, I simply needed to set my display variable and run Comanche, configuring it via my X-server. To document the process, I took various screen shots.
# export DISPLAY=
# cd /usr/local/comanche3-0b3/
# ./comanche3.0b3
Screenshot 1: First window with a button that starts Comanche
Screenshot 2: First glimpse of Comanche without any Apache servers
Screenshot 3: New Apache Installation - Name Apache Installation
Screenshot 4: New Apache Installation - Specify Path to Apache
Screenshot 5: New Apache Installation - Apache Successfully Added
Note: The first Apache installation I tried to add to Comanche was the one running on my machine since my last Apache installation: Apache with mod_ssl. For whatever, Comanche just wouldn't take it, instead giving me errors in my terminal window like this:
Error trying to add Apache installation /usr/local/comanche3-0b3/comanche/../plugins/manager/../apmanager/configurations/1/apache.conf: Unknown choice: . Known choices: startup startup connect connect
I didn't know what was going on, and I couldn't find any info online related to this error. Fearing the mod_ssl was somehow bucking the process, I tried to add a vanilla installation of Apache 1.3.12. It worked perfectly:
Screenshot 6: Comanche loading for the first time with an Apache Installation
Screenshot 7: The Comanche GUI with Apache 1.3.12
If your Apache version includes support for modssl (i.e. The one included with Suse), you may encounter the following error:That was it exactly! I don't know why "modssl" didn't catch my eye before, probably because of the mention of Suse--anyway, this appeared to be my problem (and solution) exactly, so I went ahead and deleted the files in the raven directory. Without fail, I was able to add the Apache 1.3.14 + mod_ssl installation to Comanche:Error trying to add Apache installation /[myinstalldirectory]/comanche3-0b3/comanche/..plugins/manager../apmanager/configurations/[configuration number]/apache.conf: Unknown choice: . Know choices: startup startup connect connect
To avoid it, delete the raven directory:
rm -rf /path/to/comanche/plugins/apache/modules/raven*
This will be fixed in the next release.
Screenshot 8: Comanche with both Apache 1.3.14 + mod_ssl and plain Apache 1.3.14
INLS 183 Project 10: Comanche 3.0b3 script