INLS 183 Home
Class Projects
INLS 183 Project Page
Justin Watt

Project 1: Samba-2.0.7 (9.18)
Project 2: Apache_1.3.12 & PHP-4.0.2 (9.20)
Project 3: Backup with tar, gzip, find, date and cron (9.27)
(week off)
Project 4: Portsentry-1.0 and Logcheck-1.1.1 (10.18)
Project 5: Tripwire_221_for_Linux_x86 (10.25)
Project 6: Apache_1.3.14 & mod_ssl-2.7.1-1.3.14 (11.1)
Project 7: Mysql-3.22.32 (11.8)
Project 8: Web Database Tutorial (11.15)
Project 9: StarOffice 5.2 (11.29)
Project 10: Comanche3.0b3-x86-linux-glibc2 (12.6)