Long overdue for a redesign

The last time Justinsomnia went under the knife was 2007, and the web has changed a lot since then. Allow me to impress this upon you with a single image. The graph below represents the percentage of mobile browser traffic…

Olive crush

On Saturday we camped at Joseph D. Grant County Park east of San Jose with Casey and Kyle. It was probably the coldest weather we’ve ever camped in—I’m pretty sure it got below freezing during night. Inside my sleeping bag…

Mise-en-abyme offering

Apparently I’m not the only one who’s thought about taking a daily photo of Sancta Maria’s gifts. But I’d never thought of offering them back to Maria. Photos of Sancta Maria’s offerings, offered to Sancta Maria Previously: Mise-en-abyme Halloween.

Adjacent Archive Links for WordPress

Ever since I adopted the current design for my monthly archive pages (one that lists all my posts for that month by title, rather than paginated excerpts—Matt blogged about this approach back in the day), I’ve wanted a convenient way…