stuck in an elevator with doc and dave

so far this morning stuck in an elevator with doc searls and dave winer (update) dan gillmor’s brother, steve, at etech just before the second floor. we had to use the secret red telephone to call support and get us out.

when they pried the door open, dan gillmor was outside taking pictures of us with his cellphone. i expect to see them shortly on flickr. will post here.


man, you guys get to have all the fun!

Talk about an opportunity for an ‘elevator speech.’ Did you bend their ears usefully?

I don’t suppose you mentioned to Doc that you’re my friend. Tell him HI if you run into him again.

ha, i think doc took a photo of us in the elevator, so maybe that’ll surface, and i probably mentioned that he should link to us.

that said, it was pretty weird experience being around so many people i “know” through blogs mostly but not otherwise. perception of fame kind of inhibits normal conversation.

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