Query Rosetta Stone

Natural Language

One person can be in one or many photos and one photo can contain zero, one, or many people. List all the people who are in photos along with the filename and the description of the photo(s) they are in. People and photos may be listed multiple times, but a person will never be in the same photo twice (assuming the photos haven’t been doctored).

Microsoft Access Query by Example (QBE)

Microsoft Access QBE

SQL generated by Microsoft Access

SELECT [tblPeople].[LastName], [tblPeople].[FirstName], [tblPhotos].[Filename], [tblPhotos].[Description] FROM (tblPeople INNER JOIN tblPeopleInPhoto ON [tblPeople].[PeopleID] = [tblPeopleInPhoto].[PeopleID]) INNER JOIN tblPhotos ON [tblPeopleInPhoto].[PhotoID] = [tblPhotos].[PhotoID] WHERE ((([tblPeople].[LastName]) Is Not Null) And (([tblPeople].[FirstName]) Is Not Null));

SQL cleaned up for readability

SELECT tblPeople.LastName,
FROM (tblPeople INNER JOIN tblPeopleInPhoto ON tblPeople.PeopleID = tblPeopleInPhoto.PeopleID)
INNER JOIN tblPhotos ON tblPeopleInPhoto.PhotoID = tblPhotos.PhotoID
WHERE (tblPeople.LastName Is Not Null) AND (tblPeople.FirstName Is Not Null);

Relational Algebra

join tblPeople and tblPeopleInPhoto

R1 ← tblPeople equijoinPeopleID=PeopleID tblPeopleInPhoto

join the result of the first join, R1, with tblPhotos

R2 ← R1 equijoinPhotoID=PhotoID tblPhotos

select only those R2 records where LastName is not null

R3 ← σ LastName != Null (R2)

select only those R2 records where FirstName is not null

R4 ← σ FirstName != Null (R2)

intersect (AND) R3 and R4

R5 ← R3 ∩ R4

project 4 fields (columns) in the final Result

Result ← π LastName, FirstName, Filename, Description (R5)

Note: If the characters above don’t look like arrows, sigmas or pis, try the PDF version.

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