i am not in tanzania :(

i am not in tanzania nor am i on my way to tanzania. i am in chapel hill. right now i should have been on a flight about to land in amsterdam. sadly i am not. my flight out of raleigh had a *serious* hydraulic leak. so i am in chapel hill. living what feels like an extra day. a february the 29th. i took a cab home after 5 hours at the airport, much of it spent reading about the french revolution–king louie the 16th totally got beheaded! i went to a little get together with david and richard and jean, i stopped by marianne’s new apartment (she’s now living with jesse) and sat with her and jean on her futon couch bed just kicking back.

and tomorrow i get to relive today. except i don’t have to pack or clean or prepare anything. i get another bonus day, at least until 3pm, when i try to do today over again.

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